Next Steps

Get Connected at Grace
We are so glad you are interested in getting to know us better. The fastest way to do that is to get involved in some ministries here at Grace. Visit a few groups that interest you. Then, get plugged in to a ministry that allows you to serve and grow.
Cheryl Wallace
Grow Together
Life Groups
Form relationships and grow closer to the Lord in small groups.
We’re a group of men that get together to hang out and help each other become the best men, husbands, and dads we can be.
Current Study:
Other Things You Should Know:
We get together occasionally for breakfast and work days at the church. Our Wednesday Bible studies times usually include grilling and activities. What a great time of fellowship this always is!
We’re a group of women who connect and read through books that help us be godly women, mothers and wives. We participate in activities and projects to grow closer and help others.
Current Study:
We will meet on Wednesdays at 6pm in September . All are welcome.
Other Things You Should Know:
We often help out the preschool department at church. We have hospitality groups that organize church fellowships, community outreach, and projects.
We’d love for you to join one of our Grace Groups. We connect and read through a book or study a section of the bible. The groups are made up of young families with kids in preschool or elementary school or senior adults and empty nesters.
Current Study:
Vary by group.
These Senior Saints get together on the first Thursday each month for breakfast at 9:30 in the gym. Sometimes they make special trips together as well. It’s a great time to jump in!
Learn more through Sunday Classes
Sunday Classes are a great place to dig deeper into the Word. Classes start at 9:30am, right before the worship service.
- PrimeTimers class is for our retired saints.
- Adult class is for the middle-aged crew.
- The Young Adult class is for the 20&30-something crowd.
- The College Class is a place for high school seniors & college-aged young adults.
- Teens enjoy a class designed for 7th – 12th grade students.
- The Children’s Department is divided up into Nursery, Preschool & Elementary grades.
- Topical Classes meet occasionally .
- The New Members class is the place to go learn about doctrine and church membership and meets on Sunday nights.
- The Sunday Evening Adult Class focuses on books of the Bible.
Volunteer in Ministry
God has given skills and talents to each of us. Find the place of service that is best for you.
Audio/Video technicians make sure the music and preaching is heard and seen with excellence and clarity!
Children’s Chapel leaders interact with kids during worship services and teach them utilizing a lesson plan provided.
For musicians and vocalists that are willing to give of their talents. If you sing and/or play any instrument including drums, bass, piano, acoustic/electric guitar or other, apply for the music team! Involvement includes participation in any/all venues where music is supported. Application, audition, and background check required.
Come help us welcome visitors on Sunday morning!
This group works to aid those in the community. Care packages to the hospice house, a clothes closet, & toy drives are just a few examples of the ways that this group reaches out to the community.